Penis baking soda

Many men are dissatisfied with the size of their penis and hope to increase it at least immediately before sexual intercourse. In the description of some skin-friendly lubricants, this effect is explained, but the results are usually not up to expectations. Using baking soda to enlarge the penis is a simple, cheap and safe method that can be used by everyone at home.

The mechanism of soda water on the genitals

The stimulating effect of baking soda on penis size is due to its local irritation. After piercing the skin, the blood flow increases, so the penis tissue slightly swells and stretches.

The effect of baking soda is the same as that of exercise and massage. With regular congestion of the penis, the corpus cavernosum and the diaphragm of the cavernous body become more elastic. As a result, the throughput of the tissues increases, which leads to an increase in their volume during erection. With the help of soda water, lengthening the penis or significantly increasing its circumference does not work-blood pressure is too low (compared to pumping or exercise). However, a temporary, slight increase in size and increase in organ tone can be achieved.

The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects of soda water are also well known, and have a good preventive effect on balanitis and balanitis. The substance also has an antifungal effect (helps to treat candidiasis).

Application method

The baking soda used to increase the size of the penis can be used in its pure form or in combination with other methods to enhance its effect. Main uses: bathing, dressing, ointment. Oral soda has a certain therapeutic effect, but it does not directly affect the size of the penis.


Soda bath can stimulate blood flow throughout the body. Due to regular operations, the blood vessels are cleaned, the elasticity of the blood vessel walls is increased, and the nutrition of the organs and tissues (including the penis) is improved. Soda bath stimulates lymph flow, eliminates stagnant processes, and promotes the elimination of toxins.


  1. bath. The temperature of the water inside should be around 38 degrees.
  2. Dissolve 500 grams of baking soda in 3 liters of freshly boiled water.
  3. Pour the solution into the bath and stir.
  4. Lie down for 10-15 minutes, then take a shower and wipe with a towel.
Soda bath for penis enlargement

For therapeutic and stimulating effects, 10 times is sufficient (once every other day). Nausea, dizziness, and other signs of discomfort (except skin irritation) are signs to stop the operation.

You can make a mini bathtub directly for your penis. According to reviews, this method is the most effective. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of warm water and pour the solution into a suitable container. The members were immersed in it for 15 minutes.


Warm soda compresses have a significant stimulating effect on penile tissues and can increase local blood flow. This process will require 3 teaspoons. Soda water, a cup of hot water, a small soft towel or a piece of gauze. Soak the paper towel in the prepared solution and apply it to the groin area (you can wrap the penis). The process lasts for 15 minutes, and then the skin is cleansed.

Soda compressors can be used regularly or before sexual intercourse to strengthen erections and slightly increase the volume of the penis.

Soda-based ointments have irritating, emollient and antibacterial effects on the skin of the penis. The following tools can be used as add-ons:

  • olive oil. To prepare the mixture, take a teaspoon of oil and soda water. Mix the components thoroughly until smooth.
  • balsam. First, prepare the soda paste (dilute the powder with water until a thick sour cream is obtained), then add the balm to it, the volume does not exceed the match head.
  • Honey. To prepare the mixture, tea soda and honey are mixed in a ratio of 1: 0. 5.
Soda and honey for penis enlargement

The soda paste and ointment prepared according to the above formula are applied to the penis with light massage movements-from the bottom to the head. It is recommended to warm the penis with warm water or a hot towel beforehand. After massaging for 2-3 minutes, wash off the mixture. If irritation or burning occurs, stop the operation immediately.

Contraindications and possible complications

If soda water is used correctly, there is usually no negative reaction. The product is safe and can be used to relieve itchy skin to treat certain types of rashes and dermatitis. Use the baking soda mixture carefully, the skin of the penis will not be damaged, but if the operation is damaged, it is best to avoid the operation.

In the presence of genitourinary system infections (urethritis, cystitis), it is not recommended to use soda-based ointments, baths and compresses, because the activated blood flow will promote the transmission of pathogens.


  • Male, 34 years old: "I sometimes use soda water before sexual intercourse-I just rub the porridge in the water gently onto the skin of the penis, and I do not touch the head. After washing, the penis enlarges, turns red, andThe erection is faster and lasts longer. "
  • Male, 27 years old: "The mixture with balm is only suitable for people with premature ejaculation. I washed it off after applying it, and the penis burned so badly, so the sensitivity almost disappeared. "

in conclusion

Don't expect soda water as a way to enlarge your penis. Regular massage of male organs with or without this therapy will in any case cause some increase in circumference and length. When the program terminates, the size will quickly return to the same size. It is best to use soda water to enhance erection at once, and to use it for a series of preventive measures to improve the vascular system.

You can find a lot of information on how to enlarge your penis with soda on the World Wide Web. Some people think that sodium bicarbonate is a harmless and effective product, while others insist that the use of a fine white powder will only harm their health and will not bring the expected results. So the question is: can a man's penis be enlarged with soda? To answer it, you need to understand everything in detail.

Baking soda penis enlargement-myth or reality?

Spoon of baking soda to enlarge penis

Despite the conflicting comments, you should pay attention to the fact that sodium bicarbonate can thin the blood and quickly penetrate into the reproductive organs. However, baking soda cannot boast of its ingredients that may directly affect the length of the penis.

Despite this, soda can help enlarge the penis, but the effectiveness of this technique depends largely on its type, frequency, and individual characteristics of the male body.

As we mentioned, baking soda can help improve blood circulation. This is achieved by removing toxins from the body.

No harmful impurities have a positive effect on the potency and size of the penis. As a result, the man and his partner get the impression that the length and width of the penis have increased.

Proponents of this method believe that it is more reasonable to combine soda penis enlargement with stretching exercises, such as jelqing, for example. If you believe these comments, the use of baking soda and regular training will have a positive effect on the elasticity of penile tissue. This is manifested as the lengthening of the reproductive organs and the parallel improvement of blood flow intensity.

How to enlarge a man's penis with baking soda

A man measures the length of his penis before increasing his penis with soda

A less popular method of penis enlargement is oral baking soda. In fact, it is based on removing toxins from the body, therefore, it does not guarantee amazing results. However, this method can have a positive effect on the male's body and get rid of diseases that cause the penis to fail to enter the maximum erection state for some reason.

Take sodium bicarbonate on an empty stomach in the morning and dissolve 0. 5 teaspoon. In 100-150 ml of water, or ¼ teaspoon. Powder between meals (morning and evening). With the significant improvement, the intake of baking soda has increased to 1 teaspoon, and in some cases even as high as 1 tablespoon. Lake

However, this method is not suitable for men who have individual intolerance to sodium bicarbonate or have problems with gastric acidity and digestive tract function. Therefore, this formula will not work in the case of inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa or ulcers, as well as diabetes or malignant tumors. Opponents of this approach believe that the use of products that are harmless at first glance will damage the beneficial bacteria in the stomach and negatively affect the acid-base balance.

The external use of baking soda is the use of trays, scrubs, ointments, and compresses. They are not recommended for allergic reactions, penile wounds, dry skin, and pathological changes of the penis.

When taking a bath, you need to dissolve about 1 teaspoon per 200ml of warm water. soda. Immerse the component in the liquid for 10-15 minutes. Before penis stretching exercises, such a bath will be useful. This procedure is executed no more than twice a day. Within a month, men will feel the results, but you should not feel complacent about these procedures. If an unpleasant sensation, rash, or irritation occurs, the bathtub must be discarded. Feedback from supporters of non-traditional penis enlargement methods suggests that taking a bath 40-50 minutes before sex is effective. Sodium bicarbonate imparts elasticity to the penis and improves erection.

Others recommend using this diluted water to slowly rinse the penis. The latter must be injected for 5 minutes. Before that, you should take a hot bath and then dry your genitals thoroughly. After washing with baking soda dissolved in water, the penis should be dry. Then you should not rinse it with clean water. It is recommended to wear comfortable underwear and avoid hypothermia for one hour.

Soda porridge for penis enlargement

How can I enlarge my penis with baking soda? To compress, 2 tablespoons. Mix the lake soda water with 100 ml of warm water. After the bicarbonate is completely dissolved, moisten the bandage or gauze and wrap the entire penis. Men can be in a relaxed state at this moment. If you encounter difficulties, scented candles and essential oils of lavender, cardamom or cypress will come in handy (they should not be applied to the penis under any circumstances). The duration of one such procedure is 10-15 minutes. It is worth noting that the results of the executed procedures were observed within a month.

Another way to enlarge the penis with soda is to use a homemade ointment. Sodium bicarbonate is mixed with a small amount of water to form a thick slurry. With this consistency, the soda water is gently rubbed into the skin of the penis. The procedure is slow because of the risk of skin damage. The ointment is used 3 times a day for 10 minutes each time. If there is burning and irritation, you must give up this method.

You can try to enlarge your penis with soda and honey, and prepare a natural scrub based on them. The ingredients are mixed in equal amounts. This penis enlargement agent rubs on the skin of the reproductive organs with gentle massage movements. Reviews indicate that the use of honey together with the white powder has a positive effect on erectile state and improves the skin tone of the penis.

Pros and cons of soda penis enlargement technique

A handful of baking soda for penis enlargement

Any technique, including the use of baking soda, requires a series of tests to increase the parameters of the penis.

There is both suspicion and risk of injury. At the same time, all this is accompanied by low cost and low time consumption, but no one gives a 100% guarantee.

Some people argued that with the help of soda water, they managed to enlarge the penis by a few centimeters, while others complained that the technique was inefficient. Perhaps the key role is played by the individual characteristics of the organism.

On the other hand, unless you try it yourself, you will not understand all the advantages and disadvantages of penis enlargement techniques.

The advantages and disadvantages of baking soda for penis enlargement include:

  • Lowest financial cost;
  • You do not need to spend a lot of time to implement this technique;
  • Improve blood flow and improve erection quality;
  • It can remove toxins from the body when taken orally.


  • It will take at least one month to be effective;
  • Risk of injury by soda crystals;
  • The process may be accompanied by a burning sensation;
  • You should pay attention to the existence of contraindications.

Enlarging the penis with baking soda is one of the methods men use to increase weight and extend dignity. Doctors and patients react differently to using this method. Is it possible and how to enlarge the penis with baking soda?

Benefits of using baking soda

Regarding penis enlargement, soda helps to normalize blood circulation in the genital area. After all, the parameters of the penis during erection are directly dependent on the amount of blood filling the cavernous body. Soda products can increase the blood flow to the reproductive organs.

In addition, baking soda has the following positive effects:

  1. Prevent the increase of overweight.
  2. Accelerate tissue healing.
  3. Relieve heartburn.
  4. Normalize the metabolism of substances.

Due to this complex effect, soda water can solve several problems at the same time. It is not unreasonable that it is used to treat many diseases of the body.

Before starting to use this method, a sensitivity test must be carried out.

How to use soda to enlarge the penis correctly?

There are different ways to enlarge your penis with soda at home. Each of them deserves to be considered in more detail.

Oral intake

Enlarging the penis with soda is also done by taking medication. For this, prepare a solution with half a teaspoon of product and a cup of milk. The resulting product is taken daily for one month.

Soda water not only helps increase male dignity, but also purifies the body, prevents the formation of malignant tumors, normalizes metabolism, and reduces excess weight.


The intestine is the most important digestive organ. Due to problems with his activities, the blood supply to his genitals was interrupted. Therefore, it is believed that by cleaning the intestines, a better penis enlargement effect can be achieved.

For cleaning, micro-grouting is made with a soda solution. Its preparation method is as follows: Pour a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate into one liter of pre-boiled warm water. Enema once a day. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Alkaline bath

Another way to enlarge the penis with baking soda is to take an alkaline bath. To do this, dissolve 500 grams of soda product in 3 liters of water and add it to the bathtub. The water temperature should be suitable for the body. It is recommended that the bath time should not exceed half an hour, and use a contrast shower after completion.

Baking soda bath helps to make your manhood thicker and longer. In addition, this method allows you to prevent inflammation of the prostate and genitals and eliminate harmful substances in the body.

Soda bath for penis enlargement

After bathing, you need to take a contrast shower to restore normal blood circulation.

You can also prepare a concentrated bath, you just need to sit down. In this case, the soda content that expands the male organs will be higher, so it is important not to cause damage to the skin of the penis. Otherwise, there will be an unpleasant burning sensation.


A good option for penis enlargement with soda is compresses. To do this, mix 10 tablespoons of product with one liter of hot water. Then they took a strip of natural fabric, soaked it in the solution and wrapped it around the penis.

It is recommended to perform this procedure 3 times a day. Thanks to her, the blood flow increased rapidly, causing the male genitalia to grow and thicken.


Penis enlargement with baking soda is also done by massage. This procedure can enhance blood circulation and normalize the metabolic process. All of these have a beneficial effect on improving masculinity.

The massage is carried out like this:

  1. Previously, the skin of the penis was heated. For this, you can use towels soaked in hot water.
  2. Soak your hands a little, then sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on your hands.
  3. The reproductive organs are massaged with a slight rubbing motion, moving from the base to the frenulum.
  4. After the procedure, wash off the soda products with warm water.

It is recommended to massage before going to bed at night. After the operation, you should lie down for a while to relax your body. The frequency of massage is 2 times a week.


In order to enlarge the penis, a special scrub was prepared with soda water. For this purpose, a mixture of water and food is mixed in a ratio of 1: 1. The result should be porridge. To enhance the effect, add a small spoonful of liquid honey and a few drops of essential oils that stimulate blood circulation to this mass.

The water in this recipe can be completely replaced with vegetable oil. But do not use sunflower products. Thanks to them, in addition to enlargement of the penis, it can also improve skin conditions, accelerate tissue healing and prevent the development of inflammation.

To enlarge the penis, you need to apply a thin layer of scrub on its surface and rub it in a circular motion. It is recommended to perform this procedure no more than 3 times a week.


Not all men can use soda for penis enlargement. There are some contraindications to its use.

The use of soda products as external medicines is prohibited under the following circumstances:

  1. There are lesions on the skin of the penis.
  2. The individual's intolerance to the substance.
  3. Genital Pathology.

Oral soda water has the following contraindications:

  1. Chronic gastritis.
  2. Violation of the acidity of the stomach.
  3. Peptic ulcer of the digestive organs.
  4. Allergic reaction.

Under no circumstances should you use expired soda. Therefore, it is important to ensure its freshness. It is also important to pay attention to the color and taste of the powder. If the lampshade turns yellow and smells unpleasant, it is forbidden to use the product.

A man examines his penis after swelling with soda

In some men, the penis under erection is less than 10 cm. In such a pathological state, using soda water will not be effective.

Negative effects on the body

Baking soda is a natural product, so its use is actually harmless. But you shouldn’t get overwhelmed by the use of hydrocarbons. Otherwise, soda water will harm the body.

If the product is frequently used in large doses, it will cause damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa. In turn, this can lead to ulcers on the inner surface of the organ.

When soda water combines with water, carbon dioxide is formed. Therefore, taking soda water can cause excessive gas formation and bloating.

Comments from experts and men

Regarding the method of using soda to enlarge the penis, doctors and patients themselves have both positive and negative opinions. But most men still notice the good effects of using sodium bicarbonate.

According to the patient, this enlargement method helps to increase male dignity by 1 cm after the first use. The opinions of doctors are divided, some are firmly opposed to the use of soda, and some support men. But all doctors and patients agree with the same point of view-the hobby of soda products is full of negative health effects.

Enlarging the penis with soda is an effective method, but you need to be careful when using it. If the program is executed correctly, the result will not appear soon.